Waiheke Natural Health

As a client at Waiheke Natural Health, you will have the opportunity learn new habits and skills that increase your resilience and overall health. These new routines will support you on your journey to optimum health and well-being, both now, and far into the future.

Initial Consultation

Initial consultations run for 90 minutes. We discuss reasons for the consultation, and explore your current symptoms. Then we run through all your body systems, medical history, and other things that might be affecting how you are feeling. An acute treatment such as a topical cream may be prescribed at this time.

Initial consultation 90 minutes: $150

Health Plan

A week later at the second consultation, you will be presented with a Health Plan. This includes initial lifestyle, diet, supplement, and herbal medicine recommendations.

Health Plan presentation: $80

Follow-up appointments

Follow-up appointments can then be weekly, fortnightly, or longer depending on client needs. We can assess progress towards your goals, go over any recent tests, set additional goals, and dispense herbal medicine.

Follow-up appointments: $60

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage is often indicated in the clinic to aid healing. It can reduce muscle tension, pain, and stress. Massage can improve circulation and speed up injury recovery. Ask me about gift vouchers for your friends and family, and discounts for regular clients.

Therapeutic Massage 1 hour: $120


Waiheke Natural Health stocks a full range of herbal medicine and practitioner only supplements.

Book a Consultation

Take the first step, phone Kirsty for a consultation today